Ag Trader USA
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About Us - General Information

photo.jpgVan and Donnette Bennett began the Ag Trader USA publication with their first issue in February of 2007. Van and Donnette are not strangers to Agriculture, both having grown up on a farm and both having graduated from Louisiana Tech University with Agriculture degrees - Van’s in Agriculture Education and Donnette’s in Animal Science.

They both have a love for agriculture, rural life, and the people who produce the food and fiber for our nation. Van retired from Louisiana Ag Credit, a part of the Farm Credit System, in June of 2006 after a 30 year career.

Donnette was employed with Farm Service Agency (formerly FmHA) for eleven years but left the agency to be a stay at home Mom when their second child was born.

Van’s retirement was not to a rocking chair but to the continued operation of his poultry, cattle, and timber farm along with the publication of a monthly agricultural newsletter which over the past two years has turned into the publication of a monthly magazine.

Their mission simply stated is “To Serve Agriculture”, which they both have a passion for.

Advertisers - October 2021
Poole Well Service
Odom Veterinary Clinic
QC Supply
Read's Lumber and Supply
Red River Livestock
Southern AgCredit
Union Veterinary Clinic
Taylor & Wilkes CPA's
Origin Bank