Ag Trader USA
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Advertising - General Information

In order to advertise you must be a subscriber. Subscription Information

  • All listings must be Agriculture related.
  • All personal classified ads are free but must be kept to 30 words or less.
  • Advertising dead-line is the last of day of each month.
  • No duplications are allowed and only 3 free advertisements allowed each month.
  • Free classified ads may be placed in the following ways:
    Phone: 318-778-3724
    Fax: 318-778-4476
    Ag Trader
    563 Tucker Store Rd.
    Spearsville, La. 71277-3573

The 30 word limit for advertisement includes the item for sale or wanted , your name, address, telephone number, and the price on the items “For Sale”. We cannot run your “For Sale advertisement without a price.

The Ag Trader reserves the right to edit or reject any ad, free or paid. No ad, public service announcement or coming event, free or paid will be published with reference to race or religious discrimination.

The Ag Trader shall not be responsible for failure to publish an advertisement or for typographical errors in publications. Adjustment for errors is limited to that portion of an advertisement where in the error occurred.

Advertisers - October 2021
Poole Well Service
Odom Veterinary Clinic
QC Supply
Read's Lumber and Supply
Red River Livestock
Southern AgCredit
Thomas Nursery & Feed
Union Veterinary Clinic
Taylor & Wilkes CPA's
Origin Bank